Specialized First Responder
On a plane ride from a mission trip to Hungary, God said to [007], “By the way, you are a missionary.” Until then, he hadn’t realized his sense of adventure and risk was a calling by God to go wherever God would send him - even to dangerous places. Later, the Lord also spoke to him as a loving Father, “[007], if you do not do what I’ve called you to do, a lot of people are going to die.” Two weeks later, the Lord sent [007] to intervene in a suicide attempt and a woman’s life was spared. Later, she received Jesus! From this miracle, [007] understood that the Lord’s calling for him to preserve life was genuine.
Following the Lord’s direction, he served as an evangelistic missionary in Hungary for five years. After his time was complete, God reawakened his heart to the calling He had given [007]to preserve life and directed him to enroll in training school to be spiritually and physically ready to rescue the oppressed in war-zones and natural disasters around the world. The program is a minimum of two years of athletic intensity and academic rigor. He is excited to rescue others spiritually and physically around the world!